
Monday, July 15, 2024

While I was gone - The Alec Baldwin fiasco

I decided I wasn't going to link to anything about his charges being dismissed seeing as there 's nothing new I can add. Every single news site I went to ran the story for a couple days until another fucking lunatic stole his spotlight Saturday night, which is another event I won't link to here for the same reason - everybody already knows the story.

I will say this about Baldwin, though: he got away with manslaughter - not because he was innocent, but because of prosecution mistakes. Had they done it correctly, he'd have been found as guilty as the armorer on the set due to unsafe gun handling practices on his part.

Oh well. His criminal trials are over, now he faces the lawsuits. I hope they bankrupt him. This revelation here sure isn't going to help him any:

A former 'Rust' prosecutor who resigned prior to the dismissal of Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter case has spoken out about her decision and the actor's 'reckless' behavior on set. 

Erlinda Ocampo Johnson, who stepped down just before the charges were thrown out, claims to have seen evidence of Baldwin engaging in 'horseplay' with the gun that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

This alleged horseplay included Baldwin using another person as a target for blanks, according to Johnson.


  1. I'll let you in on a little secret. There is always a technicality if your lawyer is good enough, and the judge fears retribution.

  2. Baldwin cried like a baby, but after all he is an actor. The fix was in.

    1. He doesn't need to 'act' like a baby. He is one.

  3. I disagree. I don't like Baldwin but I don't see any reason to blame him for what happened. He was not the person who was 100% responsible for making sure the gun was safe i.e. loaded with blanks. In the event that resulted in a death he was supposed to pint the gun at the camera and arguably shoot it (that last part is not clear because the lawyers didn't want it to be clear). The producer who was shot by her own choice and with full knowledge put herself directly in line with the gun. The Cameraman was merely doing exactly what he was supposed to do. Baldwin fired and the rest is history. How many times in Movies have you seen the exact same camera shot where a gun is aimed and fired at the camera. It is so common it is iconic.

    As for Baldwin being careless that is more lawyer doublespeak. Let's say he was careless with a unloaded or a gun loaded with blanks 1 million times. Then with appropriate care and following an approved script he fires a gun loaded with blanks perfectly, as in not careless. HOW in the name of fucks sake does his previous "carelessness" have diddly squat to do with the accident??? ALL of that "carelessness" was nothing more than lawyer lies with the intent of absolving the only person responsible for the accident. The bottom line is the ONLY "wrong" was having live ammo on the set and loaded into a gun... period!

    1. Had the armorer done her job, this wouldn't have occurred. Firearms under lock and key. Live ammo would have been prevented or discovered.

      She was found guilty. Alec is innocent.

    2. That's it blame someone else. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? That is like blaming the mother for a dirty diaper because dad didn't bother to check it first.

    3. In all cases, whoever is holding the gun is responsible. No exceptions.

    4. Dearest anonymous Aesop accolyte.
      Who pointed the gun? Who cocked the gun? Who pulled the trigger?
      Answer those questions, there is the guilty party.

  4. Why would the prosecutor blow a dead-certain case with something as stupid as a Brady violation?
    (Maybe a member of Baldwin's defense team dropped off a briefcase full of money in the prosecutor's office...)

    1. Because usually prosecutors get away with Brady violation.

  5. Another blog owner, whose name I won't mention; but has claimed all along that Baldwin is innocent because of "procedures" on movie sets, went all giddy at the verdict while COMPLETELY IGNORING that the case was dismissed because of prosecutorial malfeasance and NOT because Baldwin in not culpable. Disgusting.


    1. You can say "Aesop" ..........

    2. Nemo: A strongly blue state, with a Democrat Governor and Democrat AG and Democrat prosecutor. What happened? The Prosecutor just happened to do the thing most damaging to a case, and guaranteed to get it dismissed with prejudice. He hid evidence and didn't disclose it during discovery to the Defense. Oops. My bad. Sorry. What a coninkydink, huh?

    3. Yah, not to mention the judge is a Demonrat appointee(by former Gov. Bill Richardson, died in the wool Demonrat) and a Demonrat donor, so the outcome was probably baked in, but they had to make it at least look like the Justice system "did something" because Baldwin is such a well known unmitigated asshole.


  6. What was the alleged exculpatory evidence that was withheld?

  7. I'm not sure how legal "double jeopardy" works, can't try for the same crime twice, but prosecutors certainly can and do file multiple charges against a single action. Can the prosecution go back and file for reckless homicide against that same action?

    1. No, because the new charges cannot use elements from the dismissed charges.

  8. They did the same with OJ. It puzzles me that there was not one golfer on the jury or on the prosecution side. "If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit!" Bullshit. Any golfer knows that if you get golf gloves wet, they shrink, and not just a little bit.

    1. Not only that but add latex gloves on his hands and those leather gloves ain’t going on!

  9. Four simple rules. The only ones that die are the ones you wanted. And for a man with honour and a conscience, those are enough, but he doesn't need excuses.

  10. I am just glad the people trying to kill trump did not hire alec balwin. He kills what he shoots at.

  11. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he hire someone who didn't have enough experience for the job?
    I was under the impression that others have walked off the set because of the unsafe nature of his set. And the armorer had to put up with his rules.

  12. The one person NOT exonerated in all of this is Alec Baldwin. He gets away with murder because of a deeply corrupt prosecutor. Hannah Reed should be released ASAP, as she did nothing wrong, and she's owed a big payday from the state as I see it.

  13. Now we wait for the civil suit where he can be held somewhat accountable.


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