
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Who in the hell would want a French Bulldog?

A FedEx driver in North Carolina is accused of stealing a French bulldog that ultimately died inside his hot delivery truck.

According to the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded to a report of a stolen bulldog from a neighborhood near U.S. Highway 421 on July 7.


  1. He couldn't even keep it alive long enough to mistreat it properly.

  2. Why wouldnt you want a " Frenchie" ? I think due to their popularity , small size, non-agressive behavior they are probably the most stolen breed . ( Yeah , its a thing). Steal one and can most likely resell for $1500 or more. Even more for puppies. They would rarely even try to bite the thief ( Who steals Pits ? Gotta be BA to do that)

    1. I'm not into fad dogs. Most of them are freaks of selective breeding and have serious health issues because of that.

    2. ...and they drool at the drop of a hat. Eeeuuuwwwwww.


    3. Who in the hell would want a French Bulldog?

      Kimani Joehon Marshal, that's who.

      Another one of those damn Amish kids judging from the name.

    4. It's worse than you think. The Frenchies' outsized heads mean natural birth isn't safe, so puppies are routinely delivered by surgery. And yeah, they have nose and eye issues which make them miserable throughout their lives.

      They are cute, but at some point you have to say this isn't ethical.

  3. Every freakin’ thing, including dogs, is about the "I got better, shinier and more expensive stuff than you" mentality. The idea of what people will do to prove to themselves they’re better than everyone else sickens me. The FedEx asshole shoulda went for a Labradoodle.

  4. I delivered bottle gas for a while when I was kid. I pulled into a small development and checked the tanks on a house. Went back to the truck and there stood a German Shepard in my bed. I had a twelve inch wrench in my hand and reluctantly climbed onto the truck. The dog was friendly thank god. That dog stayed on the truck while I checked and delivered to the houses on his street. Once done he jumped off and headed home which was maybe ten houses away. That dog did that every time I was on that street. Good dog, never knew it's name and never met the owners. I used to think, I hope the owners don't see this and think I'm stealing their dog.

  5. I got a funny feeling that Jumanji was gonna resell the abductee.
    - WDS

  6. If Obama had a son who drove for FedEx....but we know that would never happen.

  7. French bulldogs are perhaps the hottest/most stylish fad dog of the moment.

    Universally revered by hipsters, faggots and single, childless women who want the fashion accessory that's says "I'm hot shit, and certainly way better than you because my dog cost so much".

    The dogs, for their part, are nice enough. Docile and friendly, and have that "so ugly they're cute" thing going on, much like pugs (which were the trendy hotness a few years ago).

    I also see Siberian Huskies have become a go to breed to make a statement about one's lifestyle and status. It's all so fake and ghey, and stupid at that.

  8. Do they go "oui, oui" or "wee-wee"? Or both?

  9. Well I'm not a hipster, faggot, or single woman. But I got a frenchie last week at the pound. Can't be to faddish, he was dumped. Other than kennel cough, he's medically fine. And just about the most chill dog I ever had.

    1. Good for you for picking up a pound pup, but those flat faced breeds do have a well known history of breathing problems.
      I hope yours is an exception to the rule!

  10. May be a fad dog but its an very old breed.$1500-2000 for pups these days thats why that a-hole stole him.

  11. Awesome Title, Kenny! Thank you for posting that, and Amen! My wife has been pushing for one of these little shits for years. Hard pass.

  12. They're supposed to be pretty cool dogs. But, why the fuck are people paying thousands of dollars for dog for?

    Shit, my wife convinced me to buy a half Boston, half Basset puppy for $500. They had just started calling them 'hybrids' instead of mutts.. That was 16 years ago and the dude just got put down. Never again - although, he was a really cool dog...


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