
Monday, July 15, 2024

Why I love Tennessee, Reason #3461

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. (Gray News) – A church in Tennessee held a raffle over Fourth of July weekend to give away an AR-15. 

The River of Tri-Cities Church in Johnson City said the raffle was a part of holiday celebrations, according to a report from WJHL.

Meanwhile, at a church in Michigan:

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. – People looking to safely dispose of unwanted weapons were able to do so at a gun buyback and destruction event at a church in Southfield.


  1. sad times, Welcome back sir! I trust you are revitalized and raring to go!

  2. Watch as do-gooders convert shotguns to handguns by cutting barrel with a chop-saw. Captured on video.

  3. Luke 22:36 "Now, however," He told them, "the one with a purse should take it, and likewise a bag; and the one without a sword should sell his cloak and buy one."

    I guess the church in Michigan doesn't follow the teachings of Christ.

    1. Of course not, they are COE. Founded by that famous wife killer Henry.

    2. And two verses later, when they tell them they have two swords, Jesus tells them two is enough. So two guns ought to be enough, right? I think two swords is the right number because of Luke 3:11. There we are told that, if we have two coats, we should give one to someone who doesn't have a coat. So, having two swords means you should give one to someone who doesn't have a sword.

  4. long lines of feel-good liberals turning in guns they wouldn't know what to do with. That otta bring down the homicide rate in Black Lives Don't Matter neighborhoods.

  5. Snake in one hand, rifle in the other, pint of moonshine in back pocket, Hallelujah!!!!

  6. I live in Michigan, but not in the south eastern part of the state. That area is full of minorities and Muslims.

  7. And would you believe ... in New York, too (Troy, small city upstate, suburb of Albany)... you get your choice of AR-15 or a FLAMETHROWER. They've had rifle giveaways, too, and also some problem with Islamists, so back they had a ham at the front door and everyone entering was required to touch the ham.

  8. I think I like that church.

    I knew Johnson City, Tenn. sounded familiar. It's from one of my favorite songs - Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show.

    Don't listen to that crap version by Hootie.

    Bob Dylan started writing it and let it sit for decades. Ketch Secor from Old Crow finished it and made it the great song it is today!

  9. I recycle my DIY2A experiment failures through buybacks to pay for new printer filament and TIG filler rod.

    Fuck those guys.


  10. Meh. Safely disposing of *unwanted* weapons is a community service anyway. Like great-grandpa's old low-quality damascene blackpowder-era 16-gauge shotgun (very unsafe) that dad needed to dispose of the other week.

  11. My church doesnt raffle rifles, but they do have a clay launcher that is fancy enough that you sit on it, and a large closet full of clays, and have a Bass & Blast or Fish and Fire ! campout every year for parents and their kids.

    last one we went to when my kid was 16, it was fun watching the rich kids with their $1,900 autoloader shotguns, get beat in the clay contest by my kid with a 20 guage Winchester Model 12 pump that was made in 1923, we got it at a flea market years ago, it was , and still is, rusty and there isnt a part of the stock that isnt scratched or has chunks missing from being behind the seat of some old mans pickup for years. but its a damn good shooter.


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