
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Yeah, I'm not a big fan

Country music fans have been left bitterly divided over the news that Garth Brooks will be inducted into Austin City Limits' Hall of Fame.

Last week, Austin City Limits announced that it will be honoring Garth, 62, at its upcoming 50th Anniversary celebration in September.

And while many of the musician's supporters were ecstatic over the news, some people on the web were not pleased that he had achieved the feat.


'I'm not a big fan' is putting it lightly. I hate this motherfucker more than I do the Rolling Stones.  I hate him more than I do the IRS. I hate him more than I do Hillary. I hate him more than I do Glocks. I hate him more than I do Joe Biden. I hate him more than I do Joan Baez. I hate him more than I do possums. I hate him more than I do scam telemarketers. I hate him almost as much as I do child molesters, wife beaters, and snitches.


  1. I thought it was just me. I hate him more than fire ants.

  2. Couldn't have said it any better.

  3. If we may ask, what has brought you to that point?

    1. He was the final nail in the coffin of commercialization of country music.

    2. Worthless POS wanted to ban the reselling of CDs so everyone had to buy a new copy of his music instead of a used copy that he wouldn't profit from. Greedy dick.

  4. I hate him more than I hate my wife's boyfriend.

    1. Hey!! That's not nice. What did I do to you?

  5. Agree with you on the hates excepts for possums. They eat ticks, anything that eats ticks gets a pass from me.

  6. Google Chris Gains.

  7. Well, I can't say my dislike of him now is anywhere near hate. Back in the day, I loved Garth and my daughter simply adored him (she liked his "thunder thighs" being kind of heavy herself) - I have a lot of great memories of the two of us singing "Ain't Goin' Down til' the Sun Comes Up" at the top of our lungs in our living room. I had all of his CD's at one time and took my daughter to one of his concerts at the Capitol Center outside DC for her 14th BD. She died in 2015 so it's special for me. One of his songs was central in my romance with my soon-to-be husband in 1988 as well. He also played at the annual Bull Run Country Jamboree at Bull Run Park (which we never missed) more than once. But he changed and turned into asshole central after he married Trisha and got political. After that, I was done with him.

    Regardless, the Country Music King will forever be George Strait for me. THAT man can put his boots under my bed any day of the week!!!

    1. Was it Trisha Yearwood who bragged about spreading her legs to get to the top?

  8. Yeah, I always thought of his music as fake.

  9. I feel the same way about Aldean

  10. You forgot to put Jane Fonda on that list.

    1. No, I hate her more than I do Garth Brooks.

    2. we all do, brother. Hanoi Jane should have been strung up for treason. And she ain't the only one...
      Original Grandpa

  11. I hate him more than Bob Dylan or Jim Morrison. Then again, a lot of 'country' singers are just as bad. I like old country. The modern crap?

  12. Well, if you guys don’t know the words to every Lefty Frizzel, Jim Reed, Stonewall Jackson and The Stanley Brothers songs, I got nothing. Although I prefer classic rock more better. Eod1sg Ret

    1. "Been in here 18 years and still got life to go". Classic!

  13. Tell us how you really feel, and don’t hold back. Don’t let the stress build up!

    1. You beat me to it...

    2. Sorry if that last post came through twice. Thought I hit the publish button and saw the slide up. Last time I pressed it, the button went gray.

    3. No, it only came through once.

  14. Garth has such fake sincerity..............I belly laughed that time he said (talking about humans) "we are a good race.......a great race". Saw him at Jerry Jones' Death Star, along with about 100,000 other people, and he came out on stage and acted completely shocked that there were that many people there. He just rubs me the wrong way. He's a chameleon. Plays to the room that he is in, with very little sincerity. Just my opinion..........

  15. Can't you just feel the love here?

  16. Yep. Garth was where I got off the Country Western Train. Been more into Americana, and Texas Outlaw Country and Bluegrass ever since. I don't hate him. Up until this post I forgot he existed. But that's sort of the way I am. When people accuse me of hating someone or something I tell them "you're confusing hatred with total disregard."

  17. You didn't say nothing about armadillos!

  18. I really wish you would rethink your hate of possums, and seriously, more Rolling Stones? No way, they are up there with Jane Fonda and joy behar

  19. Is he the mile-marker when almost all country music became formulaic? Because I can't listen to that sh*t at all. It's worse than the Muzak they used to play in supermarkets..

    1. Speaking of Muzak... I was sitting in a McDonald's in Pulaski TN, around 1990, and a Muzak rendition of 'Close Up the Honky Tonks', an old Buck Owens/Flying Burrito Bros. number came in over the speakers... Couldn't believe it!

  20. Now don’t hold back; tells us how you really feel about him. :))

  21. I don't know man, glocks are pretty shitty... its a toss up

    1. Now I'm gonna have to leave Wirecutter a Glock in my Will. I hope he will say "that son of a bitch" at least once a day from then on. regards, Alemaster

    2. It sure is shitty how they work all the time.

    3. Glocks are great guns for people who don't know how to shoot. Every video I've seen of someone shooting themselves in the leg reholstering has been a Glock.

  22. I agree about everyone on your list, but it just isn't diverse enough- You don't want to risk being called a racist- Here are some suggested additions:
    Barky Obama
    Big Mike Obama
    Ru Paul
    Maxine Waters
    The Kardashians

  23. Something to cleanse the palate

  24. Brooks was the point at which record execs discovered that what passed for music in the pop world would sell if you put it in jeans and a cowboy hat and called it country.
    Jason Eady’s song A.M. Country Heaven describes today’s Nashville music the best


  25. Supposedly Waylon Jennings commented that Garth Brooks did for country music what panty hose does for finger fucking


    1. Great analogy! Like a lot of e ntertainers do, once they achieve fame and fortune, they become political analysts/experts on liberal affairs, advisors to demonratz, etc. When he was starting out, I liked some of his music, but today I wouldn't walk across to see him at a free concert simply because of his attitude.
      Along those lines, I wish Ken would just come out and tell us how he really feels about Garth. : ^)

  26. Guess I'm living a sheltered life. Didn't even know he was still a Thing.
    About the last time I paid attention to country music was the day Eric Church SIX semis of stage gear rolled by on the way to Abbotsford BC. Darn the bad luck, missed that show too!

  27. I was never a huge fan, but when he decided Chris Gaines was a good idea, I really disliked him. Then, for fun, my wife and I watched his self documentary where he cried every 3 minutes and I can't stand him. He's fun to laugh at though. I think k someone at one Pont said he has asbergers or something like that. I hope there's an excuse for his crybaby syndrome.

  28. What did Glocks ever do to you????

  29. Overrated "music" and overrated "singer". Always thought that but never hated him.
    That's until he got on backing the tranny beer bandwagon.
    I still think all of the above, except now I hate his stupid ass.

  30. I hate that he's from Oklahoma.

  31. Huh....Austin City Limits has a Hall of Fame. Who knew?

  32. Possums eat snakes, and Indiana Jones and I hate snakes. Possums are OK in my book.

  33. But Ken, don't you hate ALL country music after about 1980???

    1. Pretty much, yeah. I'm not sure I'd describe the shit Garth Brooks plays as either country or music, though.

  34. STOP POSSUM HATE!!! They clear out more parasites than Trump was ever financed by.


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