
Monday, July 29, 2024

Your Monday Morning Florida Report

A couple set to be married this weekend got into an argument over signing a prenuptial agreement that turned violent and resulted in the would-be bride’s arrest for domestic battery, according to court records.

Investigators allege that Molly Rose Hogan, 26, and the male victim were engaged in a pre-nuptials quarrel late Sunday night in their St. Petersburg, Florida residence.


  1. He drops the news just hours before marrying. Real smooth, as in total lack of planning. That guy is damaged goods. I think he did her a favor

    1. You have it backwards. She assaulted him, showing she will beat him anytime she fails to get her way.

    2. Yeah she assaulted him. For being a dumbass. For women, the lead up to the big day, then the actual wedding, is pretty emotional. He picks that time to drop a pre-nup on her? Not to mention he blindsided her. Not to mention it is a major issue.
      His lack of planning prit near ensured the results.

  2. Well that marriage is off to a ROARING start. Some marriages are made in Heaven... some are made in dimly lit barrooms.

  3. Look at the bright side. It saved them from going through an expensive divorce.

    1. You are so right, can you imagine what it would do if he tried to divorce it.....

  4. She must have had a rough 26 years…

  5. Pre-nup....."I don't trust you". Why bother?

    1. Nowadays marriage w/o a pre-nup is equivalent to signing a contract where the terms will be decided by some judge. 80 percent of divorce filings are by women who walk away with the greater part of assets esp. when they throw the words sexual abuse and/or domestic violence (proof not required).

    2. Better to stay single, then. Vows mean something. And judges and lawyers need hanging, keeps the rest scared and less dishonest. Hang enough, for good cause, and they would be scarce, and perhaps actually useful for good once again. That job should be so dangerous no amount of money would be worth gambling at the FAFO table.

    3. What Brian said. She'll most likely get the property, the bank account, the children even if she's the one at fault and makes more money. And even if she doesn't, the guy will still pay one way or another.

      I know one guy who's wife went totally bonkers crazy. He divorced her, got custody of the kids, no contact order and everything. She gets half his salary and pension.
      To make matters worse, she supposedly owes child support. But the courts refuse to arrest her or draw the child support from her portion of his salary and pension. Find a guy who owes anything late and the courts will put him into jail or prison until he pays.


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