
Monday, August 05, 2024

A Federal Judge Reluctantly Concludes That New Jersey's AR-15 Ban Is Unconstitutional

This week, a federal judge ruled that a major provision of New Jersey's "assault weapon" ban is unconstitutional, but he was not happy about saying so. The decision illustrates how the Supreme Court's Second Amendment precedents have constrained the discretion of judges who are personally inclined to support gun control.


  1. Same judge ruled that the "high-cap" magazine ban was Constitutional.
    And it appears the "unconstitutional" part only applies to COLT AR-15s.
    For more info:

    1. Re application only to Colt AR-15s....mmm... not so much.

      From the article..."So his conclusion that "the AR-15 Provision is unconstitutional" evidently applies to all AR-15-style rifles, regardless of who makes them or what they are officially called."

    2. LSWCHP, I would be perfectly happy to be wrong about this, but how it gets interpreted at street level is what counts.

  2. A small victory for instant gratification conservatives doesn't deter the long term, chip, chip, chip dedicated Liberals. Their need to control things they don't like is imbedded in their collective psyches. The constitution and the 2nd amendment are like rocks and they're the endless supply of water dripping on it.

    1. True.
      A leftist neighbor lady once told me "You have to quit smoking.".
      Not you should quit, not you ought to quit, but you HAVE TO quit..
      It was unconscious with her, I doubt she even realized it.

  3. I am pretty sure the this "news" is a week old ... but it certainly is truly great news. Especially for anyone living in or near Jersey. They are fascists with regard to firearms.

    1. 'I am pretty sure the this "news" is a week old...'


  4. The judge should be terminated. Being not happy about removing restrictions from a constitutionally protected right is evidence of his lack of good moral character.

  5. Screw stare decisis, just accept that the Constitution stated that our natural rights to bear arms shall not be infringed. What an idiot.

  6. Shall Not Be Infringed is plain English that needs NO interpretation

  7. Massachusetts says to hell with the SC and enacted a complete ban and list of new restrictions.
    I walked into my local gun store and all the semi-auto's are gone. Since it will take years to overthrow the law in Federal Courts by then most if not all the MA gun stores will be gone, out of business.

  8. Welcome to Lawfare by legislative fiat. Like Trump said, they are after you he's just in the way.


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