
Friday, August 09, 2024

"By the way, if you ever need any crotch rags....."

In early 2023, House Speaker Jill Krowinski, D-Burlington, issued verbal and written warnings to Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman after state legislators reported feeling uncomfortable when Zuckerman offered them access to a supply of menstrual products located in a drawer in his chief of staff’s office.


  1. Perv's in high places- Zuckerman and King Charles could be good buddies- they have similar interests-

  2. another progressive democrat, another pervert

  3. Wait until she finds out about the dispensers in the boy's bathrooms.

  4. "This work environment can be hostile, so I want you to know my office is a safe space. Now let's talk about your vagina. There are all different kinds of vaginas, you know. Do you like your tampon with or without an applicator?"

  5. They way they were acting, he probably thought it was that time of the month.

  6. Wait! Didn't I just read in the last couple of days that a boy offering menstrual products to a girl was a "king stud." It was some kind of defense for Walz. Who knew this was practically a democratic platform plank.

  7. No doubt if he had offered them to the new male colleagues, everything would have been just fine. Disgusting, but just fine.
    And I agree that the guy sounds like a pervert.


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