
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

California lawmakers urge Newsom to put electric vehicle fleet mandate on hold after I-80 truck fire

NYACK, N.Y. — A day after a Tesla Semi caught fire and left Interstate 80 in a chokehold, California lawmakers are calling on Gov. Gavin Newsom to delay a state mandate for big rigs in the state to be all-electric by 2045.


  1. Burn it all down!

  2. Day late and a dollar short.

  3. How long before somebody figures out they can use EVs instead of a box truck full of fertilizer and diesel to being down a building with underground parking?

    1. Call it "the Electric Allan's Snackbar."

    2. yikes. no wonder insurance rates are skyrocketing.

  4. I hope one of these fires doesnt' happen in the tunnels through the rockies. On the other hand, can you imagine the jets of flame if a train full of EVs caught fire in the Cascade tunnel in Washington? I bet you'd be be able to feel the heat in Seattle, 60 miles away...

    1. Yup! Ferries are another tinderbox waiting to burn.

      Chutes Magoo

  5. I'll take "shit we didn't think out" for $800 Alex.

    1. Alternate title for this Jeopardy category:
      "Progressive Unintended Consequences"

      It's hard to believe that CalFire had NO plan for what to do with the burning Tesla truck when arriving on scene. Their solution was to pour thousands of gallons of water on it to create a huge toxic soup that will eventually wash downstream. It wasn't until engineers from Tesla arrived and informed CalFire it wouldn't do any good, that they needed to let the fire burn itself out until it was cool enough to transport it out of there.
      I never thought "The Premiere Fire Fighting Agency in the World" made it up as they go along, but apparently they do.

  6. It's a good thing that we don't have any unvetted foreigners wandering around the country. A few coordinated EV fires and Manhattan is cut off, San Francisco is only approachable from the south, and tunnel fires shut down portions of highways across the country. Of course that would require a map and couple of dozen people, an impossibly large number.


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