
Thursday, August 01, 2024

Commentary: The Democrats’ ActBlue Ghost Donor Scandal Gets Bigger Every Day

About 18 months ago Senator Marco Rubio sent a letter to the Federal Election Commission’s Chairwoman and Vice Chairman, Dara Lindenbaum and Sean J. Cooksey demanding answers on claims ActBlue, the billion-dollar Democrat fundraising platform, engaged in schemes to garner illegal campaign donations via “ghost donors.” 

According to information received by Sen. Rubio, ActBlue has purportedly engaged in laundering millions of dollars in campaign donations through small donors, including senior citizens, via illegal contributions, without those donors’ consent or awareness.


  1. Nothing will happen..... It never does when lefties are involved....

    1. Time to bring back tar and feathering

    2. Anon - that would require assistance from the conservatives in GOV and we all know they are spineless chickenshits that are part of the uniparty swamp. With leftists in positions within the enforcement arms of the US Gov, any actions would be investigated and dealt with in the most drastic terms.

  2. YAWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We all know it's a giant money laundering operation but feckless RINOs will do nothing

  3. Yep, we all here know, NOTHING will happen. As in years past, hearings, investigations etc, what they do .. maybe a sternly worded letter.

  4. Illegal Demoncrap campaign donations? How surprising! I'm shocked! Shocked I say!

  5. Republicans are Deep Staters with no balls who use the excuse we need to reach across the aisle and play fair. Need I say more?

  6. Dems will get away with it.

  7. Asking the blind mice to look into the rest of the nest is rather futile.

  8. If people find they did not make the donation, they should file identity theft reports with police.

  9. The FBI will warn them they are coming and then Crowdstrike will wipe the computers and a fire will break out destroying any and all records.

  10. Oh and don't forget flooding because pipes breaking

  11. I wonder if they used my name as a ghost donor? How can I find out? Can I apply for a refund if they did? How can they deny my refund without admitting guilt?

    1. Yes, actually you should check their list of donors and see if they used your name. If they did, demand a refund.


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