
Thursday, August 01, 2024

Just making him earn his keep, is all

An Edmond man was arrested after police said he was stealing his son’s identity and racking up tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt. 

Kevin Morris admitted to Edmond police officers he used his son’s name to open up credit card accounts, starting when his son, Kris, was a teenager.


  1. Do bonding companies accept credit cards?
    I'm sure the dad is a tad short on cash.

  2. Speaking of asshole kids and parents. There's an elderly, around 65 Y.O. lady who works at the checkout at my local supermarket. She's friendly, but has heart health issues. The other day I was in her checkout line behind a skinny, 30 something wide eyed shaky dude with a pack of butts and a few other items. When she finished checking the items she announced: "That's $35.87. He picked up the bag and said to her: "Take care of it mom". She looked kinda forlorn then pulled out her credit card and used it to pay for the son’s crap. She said to me "yea, that's a daily routine, but what am I to do"? I was gonna say try post natal abortion, but even I couldn't be that mean.

    1. She created him- how about saying "no" for the first time in your life?

  3. WOW!
    Pretending to be the federal government and opening credit cards in his son's name.
    Where could he have gotten THAT idea?

  4. My ex-wife is still doing this to me.

  5. So when someone else signs you up for debt it is illegal to do so.Good to know . Under the current fiat debt system my fair share is zero.

  6. His wife walking out the door eating a cupcake while he's being cuffed, totally calm and unfazed, is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. She doesn't seem the least bit surprised by any of it.


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