
Thursday, August 01, 2024

See what happens when you trust people?

A Louisville judge ruled a pastor will not be reimbursed a $70,000 property bond he forfeited when Vernon Jackson fled his attempted murder trial in May shortly before a jury decided they couldn't reach a verdict and a mistrial was declared.

On June 6, Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Annie O'Connell expressed sympathy for David Fortney, who paid the bond for Jackson's release, but ruled he took on the responsibility for Jackson to appear in court and he fled before the trial had ended.


  1. Any time a G'vt employee says 10 days, it's always 10 business days unless it's about money then they want their coin.

  2. Huh, a pastor in a murder trial.

    Doesn't say doctor, though.

  3. Mr Pastor failed to heed a clear warning...

    Proverbs 11:15
    He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it : and he that hateth suretiship is sure.

    1. Clear? Maybe if you speak Elizabethan English, but otherwise, ?

      You do know the Scriptures have been translated into the language now in common use, don't you?

  4. Here come the judge, there go the 70 grand. These things happen.


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