
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Commentary: Kamala Harris Likely to Tap Matthew Graves for Attorney General

Democrats ended their four-day convention on Thursday with a vacuous speech by the party’s installed candidate, Kamala Harris. Her short stint on the main stage made the regime media, which has blessed her with 84 percent positive news coverage since the Pelosi coup according to one analysis, drunk with joy.

Harris, like the roster of speakers before her, spent most of the speech demonizing her general election opponent and repeating one of the party’s most consistent campaign themes: Donald Trump will use his authority to vanquish his foes should he return to the White House. “Consider…his explicit intent to jail journalists, his political opponents, and anyone he sees as the enemy,” Harris claimed.


  1. Trump had the chance to jail Democrats and didn't. Biden-Harris have jailed their political opponents. The Democrats project their evil entirely too much. Too bad most of the media is in bed with them against the American people.

  2. Thick as fleas on a cur dogs ass.

  3. For a sec I thought I read "Likely Go Down On Tap Matthew Graves"

  4. And thus, Merrick Garland will become her first pick as a SCOTUS nominee in order to thank him for his years of 'service' to the American lawfare sys... er, the American people.


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