
Friday, August 02, 2024

Cops: Lighten the fuck up, Karen(s)

HOA members in Colorado tried to shut down a children’s lemonade stand by calling the sheriff’s office.

Wildernest Home Owners Association members called the Summit County Sheriff’s Office complaining about children running an illegal lemonade stand, KKTV reported.


  1. Time for a curb stompin' party.

    1. Summit County. What do you expect...

  2. Attention seeking because they live such pointless lives. Seems to be spreading.

    1. "Pointless lives"...what a sad but probably true commentary.

  3. "911, what's the address of your emergency?"

  4. I remember those long forgotten days when we were still America and neighbors would Ooh & Aww at the kids having fun trying to make a buck. They'd just buy a cup of lemonade and enjoy a few minutes of fun with the kids. Where did we go so wrong?

    I could see my neighbors bitching about us having .22 shooting matches in Dave's back yard because it was illegal as hell, but even then, they never called the cops. Heck, Mr. Ed, (RIP; served with the Big Red 1 in Korea!) helped us improve our aim and shooting form.

    Of course, back then, the neighbors knew the price of narcing us out: Deflated tires, dog poo on their door stoop, etc. But with Ring cameras and the like, kids now-adays don't have many ways to shut down the Karens and Biffs. But at 14 & 15, we had the neighbors sussed. Plus, their kids were in on it with us.

    Good heavens, I miss the '70s when we still knew how to have fun, Live and let Live, and just mind our own business.

    1. Hells Bells, then you'd have really enjoyed the late 50's and early 60's when I was growing up. Lemmonaide stands and bikes with playing cards strumming the spokes...staying out til dark, or later if there was a street light to play under... yeah, much better times.

  5. Idiots who always wanted to be a hall monitor.

  6. Years ago I read a comment that you should stop and buy from kids selling stuff, as a way to encourage entrepreneurs. Been doing it ever since.

    1. Yes, but I always make sure I spill it out when I'm out of sight.

  7. That's how power-mad some people are... and what tolerating their lunacy will get you.
    It's a disease. Unfortunately, the only cure is high-velocity lead.

  8. I wish the police would have gone to the bitchers home and threaten to arrest them for making false reports. These people need to be reminded that they do not rule the world

  9. We will never - ever - live in in an area with an HOA. We hear and read about the abusive nature of these idiots. Yeah, I would not put up them telling me where I can hang my US Flag etc etc

  10. Yup, whole heartedly agree. Been by three such stands this Spring/Summer. One was a girl selling her Girl Scout Cookies by the main drag in town... doing land office business... Hooooah! the other two were lemonaide stands, one complete with the option to buy home made chocolate chip cookies... delicious!

  11. I had the good fortune of having a junior research position with Colorado State U. the summer of '73. My job was to do a botanical survey collection of Summit Co. Much different place back then before all the city yahoo's built their McMansions et. al. Just a couple of rural mountain towns with good long time residents... then the ski areas moved in and the place went to Hell in a Hand Basket. Went back through a couple of summers ago... not even close to the county I got to work in back then.

  12. Childless Cat Ladies strike again.

  13. And then the city showed up and asked for their sales tax receipts.

  14. When we moved here in 2012, I always asked about HOA's and covenants. Since this was a formerly rural county and we were not looking at new houses, there weren't any. With the influx of Yankees and Democrats I'm not sure about the later builds.

  15. HOA, no need to say anymore

  16. One way to turn good kids into devious retribution seekers.

  17. If I was the deputy I would have bought some lemonade and drank it right there.
    Screw the karens.

  18. Did they arrest the Karens for wasting police time? If not, that should have been the first in a long line of charges.


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