
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Former cop convicted in George Floyd's death released from prison

A former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the death of George Floyd was released from prison Tuesday, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed to ABC News.


  1. These guys were railroaded by a crooked justice system. The coroners report states in plain English that floyd died of a drug over-dose. The powers in charge were appeasing the blacks.
    It's appalling and disgusting and the prosecutors should rot in the hottest corners in hell.

  2. A Shameful stain on the Justice System of this country. I doubt it will ever recover

  3. "Derek Chauvin -- the officer who kneeled on Floyd's neck for more than nine minutes, killing him". They lie. They lie, and lie, and lie...
    The guy they released was released because his time was served - not because of the coroner's report stating St.Floyd of Fetanyl died of overdose. Which is what killed his thuggish black ass, not "Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for nine minutes" - because he had his knee between the shoulder blades not his neck. And it's "knelt" not "kneeled" you journalistic fucktard, learn the language.
    Fuck the liars and traitors. It's time.

    1. Yessir, fu k the liars and traitors. It IS time. Done putting up with their shit.

  4. LOL He was on the job for a week and got 3 years. An outlier example of the blue gang getting fucked over.

    He didn't even have a chance to lie on the stand and send someone who didn't do what he said to the pokey, shoot any dogs, or make his bones giving out tickets to produce revenue.

    Sucks living in a world without qualified immunity and internal investigations like the rest of us poor "civilians" that aren't Only Ones.

  5. Move that trial 30 miles away and he is innocent.

  6. Thank God he’s out, f*ck these thugs!
    CPO Greg

  7. Do something for the better good of the public and they f*** you over - as usual.
    Chauvin and the guys should have went for another coffee. The extra ten minutes would have all that was needed for Saint Floyd of Fentanyl to die alone.

  8. Look up “The Fall of Minneapolis” it is a news film that looks at the whole arrest from an unbiased narrative.


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