
Friday, August 02, 2024

Give 'em an inch.....

Four months after California boosted the minimum wage for fast food workers from $16 to $20 an hour, the union representing hundreds of thousands of employees is asking for another raise.

Members of the California Fast Food Workers Union, a branch of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), presented their “demands” at Wednesday’s first-ever meeting of the state’s Fast Food Council.


  1. Goes to show how bad education is in California if these lackwits can't look at the number of lost jobs the last time wages were forcibly elevated and go, "Hmmm, cause and effect. Nope. How about lowering minimum wage?"

  2. I don't think I make $20hr & I own the dang place. But I get to pick the secretary.

  3. Every fast food franchise in Kalifornia should just close their doors and stick it to that miserable state government. It's not worth it for the owners to continue trying to stay ahead of Gov. Pelosi's Inept Nephew and the Demotards in the legislature.

  4. You want more money ?
    Get a better fucking job !

  5. They need that raise. There's spiraling inflation don't you know. I mean, just look at the increase in cost for a fast food meal since January.

  6. I know the solution. Make it illegal for anyone over the age of 22, or who has a kid to support, or doesn't live with their parents, to have a starter job like fast food. Voila. Problem solved.

  7. Gee, they waited a whole four months?
    - WDS

  8. Odd how there is so much vitriol directed at the workers, instead of at the bankers who drive the policy creating inflation.
    But that’s what they want. We fight each other instead of going after those who are actually responsible for fiscal policy.

    1. "instead of going after those who are actually responsible for fiscal policy"

      You're right, we should be blaming the unions. Union dues are a percentage of the worker's wages, so the more money their members earn, the more money the union makes.

    2. Here you are blaming the bankers for the government over spending and driving up a $35T debt. The "bankers" (only the federal reserve in reality) has been covering it buy buying the T bills and inflating the money supply. The money supply would not be inflating if it weren't for the government being completely addicted to spending.

      The recent spoke in fast food costs is directly attributable to the recent spike in fast food labor cost. The blame belongs to Newsome, the unions, and anyone who voted for either.


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