
Friday, August 02, 2024

Godspeed, Tank

A 27-year-old man in South Carolina will spend the remainder of his days behind bars after his attempted home invasion was thwarted by a heroic dog, leaving him wounded and easily caught by authorities. Spartanburg County Circuit Court Judge R. Keith Kelly on Friday ordered Raekwon Davante Richardson to serve life in a state correctional facility without parole over the botched robbery that left Richardson injured.

Prosecutors said the dog, named “Tank,” likely “saved lives.” Unfortunately, he was killed by Richardson and his accomplices, who shot the animal multiple times as he was defending the family’s home.


You done good, partner.


  1. The wrong dog died!

    1. I was going to say something lengthy, but you nailed it in 4 words!

  2. Give the jogger the treatment he and his accomplices gave Tank.

  3. Hi Kenny!!!!!!!,
    Thx for the post..... I know you had tears brought back from memories of 'Charly!!!!"
    I'm Sure Charly and "Tank" are waiting for you .... hopefully down the road a piece....... at Rainbow Bridge!!!!!!! All our Buddies and us will meet again!!!!!!


  4. 26 years old and will spend the rest of his life in jail.... now that's a long 'ride'

  5. I would have give him the death penalty for killing Tank, I believe the firing squad is back on the books in S.C....
    Rest in Peace Tank..

  6. Not meaning to defend the feral dindu by any means whatsoever, but how is first-degree burglary and attempted armed robbery worth a life sentence, when murderers and pedophiles are sentenced to far less? It was not even a successful robbery, and no humans were killed or injured, other than the perp. Is there more to this story?

    1. Read the whole article. Several other felony arrests

    2. Here's how you explain the "Three Strikes Law". So, how hard is it to go through life without being convicted of a felony? I've managed. But OK, you fucked up once. Maybe you learned something in your time away from us? So, now, how hard is it to go through life without being convicted of another felony? Really? Hmmm, it seems you are showing a pattern of behavior that is not acceptable to civilized people. WTF, dude? Get it together. And now, here you are again. Whattaya think guys? Another slap on the wrist or do we go to the oak tree? What are your thoughts?

  7. Which photo is the dog?

  8. Take the dindus, get some rope, hang aforementioned dindus over tub grinder.
    When they stop twitching, leave them hang until sunset the next day as a message to the others.
    Cut them down and mulch to a fine paste.
    Use paste to make dog food. It's environmentally friendly and takes things full circle.

  9. The meat is likely contaminated with all kinds of drugs, so I would not feed it to my dog


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