
Monday, August 05, 2024

Good Morning


My dad's little brother didn't speak until he was five. Everybody just figured that was the way it was until my grandmother was walking past their bedroom and heard Ed singing a Candy Kisses jingle from the radio. Now nobody can get the motherfucker to shut up.


  1. I was told the oldest of my younger sisters did not really say much until she was three. I was only seven at the time, so I don't really recall much about it. Now she is sort of a know-it-all who makes some really bad decisions, but we all do that occasionally. To tell the truth, the less I see of my siblings the happier I am.

  2. "Well, up 'til now everything's been alright"
    -Punch line from an old joke.

    1. Here's a marvelous telling of it from the British TV show "Quite Interesting".

  3. “My dad’s little brother”? “My Uncle”. “My Uncle on my dad’s side”. “My youngest Uncle on my dad’s side”.

    1. Or "My dad's little brother".

    2. Yup. Particularly in large families, it can really pay to be more specific. I've got four brothers, so "my brother" is really ambiguous.

      John G

    3. Hush, John G, you're making too much sense.

  4. My parents told me that I was like that for longer than usual (back in the late 1940s) and thought MAYBE there was something wrong with me developmentally. Turns out that I was probably just taking it all in, and my introversion was present even as an infant. Once I started talking, it was a non-stop, stream-of-consciousness torrent...until I sort of went deep, dark, and silent again during my childhood. After that, they often said that I COULD talk but that I most often chose NOT to talk.

  5. Far too much money being made off the causes of autism and the "treatment" for anyone to ever be held accountable or for anything to improve within the realm of government-protected "healthcare."

  6. Got awfully dusty in here all of a sudden...

  7. What the allegedly autistic child does not say, the motormouth Mama munchausen overcompensates for.


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