
Thursday, August 29, 2024

How La Niña could impact Tennessee’s winter

Even though winter is still several months away, the Climate Prediction Center has issued a La Niña watch for November through January.

La Niña is the cold phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, which is an ocean current in the Pacific near the equator.


TL;DR:  Your guess is as good as ours.


  1. We've had rain at least once per week since spring in Southern Illinois this year. Lived here for 25 years and do not remember that occurring this entire time. I hope that's not a harbinger of winter.

  2. Hmmm. My guess: it will be cold sometimes and moderate others. It will rain some and may snow, or not. There, I am a certified climate prognosticator.

  3. Winters in the south are, have been and always will be wet with occasional cold spells...
    Fuck all that el whatever shit


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