
Friday, August 02, 2024

Massachusetts Bill Removes 'Mother' and 'Father' From Birth Certificates

As a Southerner, I have never felt more validated to say "damn Yankees" than I have upon seeing this piece of news.

Up in Massachusetts, House Bill 4750 just passed the state Senate and was headed for the governor's desk to be signed into law as of yesterday.


  1. Now pass legislation to rename "Senator" to "Person who hatches turds".

  2. More woke BS from the state that gave you John Kerry (Lurch), Elizabeth Warren (Liawatha or Fauxcahontas), Mitt Romney (Pierre Delecto), Deval Patrick (Obama bathhouse buddy), Gary Studds (page bender), Barney Frank (pickle kisser), Ted Kennedy (where's the-a the-a bah?), Ed Markey (Mr Frosty), Michael Dukakis, etc..

  3. Somehow "Person who gave birth fucker" just doesn't sound that bad ass

  4. It is hard to tell men and women apart in New England. This makes sense actually.

  5. Governor is Maura Healey but I call her Gomorrah Healey. Check out more about her romance: << In the last week, the feds have convicted both a “Commercial Truck Driver” and a “Man” for distribution of 15 kilos of cocaine. They were Mexicans, illegals.

    As someone once said, “They’re not sending us their best.”

    Maura Healey doesn’t care. She’s in love, after dumping her elderly gal pal, the judge. Now Maura’s set up light housekeeping one county over with a much younger woman who used to work under her. It’s a story as old as time.

    Maura’s new love nest is in the People’s Republic of Arlington.>>

    Full sordid story is at

    1. .............with a much younger woman who used to "work under her."

      Need some eye bleach for that one.

  6. I'm so old... I remember when Barney Frank was still in the closet, wanting to keep the government out of his bedroom. Now I wish he and his kind would keep their bedrooms out of my government.

  7. Can we just offer that part of the country back to England and pretend they never left

  8. Think how pleasant it will be when we throw all these idiot woke states out of the Union.

  9. Yet more re-assurance that I made the right call a couple of years ago to bail out of MA.

  10. The new gun bill in Mass is patently unconstitutional. Some provisions they are trying to work out include serializing each separate part of every firearm including all magazines.
    And instead of property owners posting "No Firearms", instead a property owner must post "Firearms allowed" otherwise all properties are gun free zones.
    Don't ask me how I really feel about all this, I'm not going to say another word.


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