
Thursday, August 01, 2024

One Star - Do not recommend

The Oklahoma County Jail has been in the spotlight for refusing two inspections from the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

News 4 receives complaints weekly about the conditions inside of the jail.

Some saying they’ve been bitten by bed bugs during their time inside.


  1. Good night sleep tight don't let the bed bug bites.

  2. 1. it's a jail
    2. bed bugs don't just book and take long distance trips on their own
    3. remember, it's a jail. They robbed, killed, or sold drugs
    4. set up a plastic wading pool filled with bug killer for inmates to bring their clothes and bedding, take a swim and help their own sorry asses out

    Alternatively, what a cool (evil but humorous) plan if done by the warden to torment those criminal vermin.

    1. Yeah, sometimes the criminal vermin are LEO & associated corrupt lawyers & judges, & the people harassed guilty of nothing more than standing for their rights.
      Hope you run into some of those one fine day.

  3. Yeah, there's a form to fill out for that.

    1. should you be so lucky to run across corrupt LEO or judes congrats ypu just won the lawsuit lottery and will win millions

  4. When one finds oneself being bitten by bedbugs in an Oklahoma jail one needs to carefully review ones life choices up to that point. You are in fact being sent a message by the universe that you might actually be wrong about more than a few things. I myself have traveled, worked, and played in Oklahoma on many occasions and have yet to have any interaction of any kind with Law Enforcement in that storied state. Odd.


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