
Friday, August 23, 2024

Patrons Furious After They All Got Tossed Out of Famous Restaurant to Have 'Staged' Event for Harris

Is there anything that's real about the Harris-Walz team? 

We reported earlier that the Harris team seemed to have a staged event on Sunday at Sheetz in Pennsylvania. Then, on Monday at the DNC, they introduced Walz at one of the events as "Command Sergeant Major" — misrepresenting the rank that he retired at, a rank he never earned. 

But they really doubled down on the staging of events with what they did in Pittsburgh at the famous Primanti Brothers restaurant on Sunday, according to Fox News. 


  1. Sorry guys: you have TWO options:
    1) Go to January Six prison, don't get $200
    2) Do whatever Frau Fuehrer tells you to do, though no matter what, I'll go for 1) if she tells me to take my pants off.

  2. Well I would never go back there again

  3. Primanti's was a regular stop when passing through Pittsburgh. Not anymore...

  4. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback and fault the manager of the restaurant, who could've stood his (her) ground for the patrons. But this is the same government who thought nothing of breaking and entering so Kamal could use a toilet.

    That said, I don't return to restaurants where I'm mistreated,

  5. Funny signage on I-79(?) I saw back in '94. Moon & Beaver on same sign. Moon was to the left, Beaver to the right. Anatomically correct.

  6. Didn't biden sic his DO(in)J on Sheetz after he was snubbed during another staged photo-op?
    Why would any of those stations allow these jokers on the premises after that?

  7. Yinzers got 'em a long collective memory. I wouldn't be surprised if the pimento boys are outta business within the year.

    1. "Yinzer"
      Had to look that one up.
      Didn't realize Pittsburgers talked so Appalachian.
      Learning all the time...


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