
Thursday, August 01, 2024

Paul Harvey - What Happened to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence?

The signers of the Declaration of Independence led diverse lives after affixing their signatures to the document. Unfortunately, many of the signers faced various challenges and hardships. Some lost fortunes, endured personal tragedies, or faced political difficulties. A few were captured by the British during the Revolutionary War, and some lost their lives or their properties. However, their collective commitment to the cause of American independence remains a significant part of their legacy.

VIDEO HERE  (8:42 minutes)


  1. The Americans Who Risked Everything
    Rush H. Limbaugh, Jr.

  2. Paul Harvey mentions Thomas Nelson Jr, who urged Washington to fire on his own house. The house was hit and damaged, but not completely destroyed. The house still stands in Yorktown, and has cannon balls embedded in the outside wall, which I saw when our family visited Yorktown. Nelson died broke because lent his money to the government, but the government never repaid the loan. Sounds familiar.

  3. Paul Harvey is my favorite storyteller. Always was, always will be. A true Patriot and a National Treasure he was.

  4. Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. They may have lost the first 2, but never the last. May we be as worthy.

  5. Should be required viewing before graduation.

  6. Trump! Trump! Trump!


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