
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Remember when it was just ice buckets and Tide Pods?

Sacramento law enforcement has noticed a troubling trend of teenagers stealing cars and driving recklessly, with some even leading officers on pursuits.

"It's unfortunate that we are dealing with it in the city of Sacramento. But that's why we have police officers that are out here on the streets that are trying to be proactive to address this issue on a day-to-day basis," said Anthony Gamble from the Sacramento Police Department.


  1. Fi Fi Fo Fum I smell the work of Baboon scum.

  2. I remember kids doing this when airbags were still optional, testing them out running into shit for fun. THEY found out back then that the deployment rate was not entirely consistent.

  3. Whenever the po-po break up street exhibitions and takes the cars away the local news is "how are these poor darlings going to get to work"?


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