
Friday, August 02, 2024

Rising Bay Area COVID-19 cases: Is it time to mask up again?

San Francisco health officials are urging people to consider masking up in crowded, indoor spaces to help slow the summer surge of COVID-19.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California is now one of eight states where COVID-19 wastewater viral activity levels are very high.


Sorry guys/gals/whatever, but your timing is way off. There's still 3 months to go before the election.


  1. The common cold has two causes: 1. Rhinovirus and 2. Coronavirus. Covid is simply Corona Virus exploded out of proportion of its true effect on mankind.

    1. COVID-19 is corona virus genetically engineered in a weapons experiment, contracted out to China by Fauci when the experiment was banned in the USA.

  2. The Bay area didn't condom up in the 80s with the AIDs epidemic which guaranteed death, but put people in jail for not wearing ineffective masks during the covid pandemic with had a small percentage of fatalities. If this current covid panic keeps up well find out the population consists of 1% sociopathic control freaks who have gravitated to government bureaucracy jobs and 98% sheep. I'm figuring the final 1% are the druggie zombies who don't have the mental ability to know what masks are and a few anti-establishment rebels willing to spend time in the lock up.

  3. The wife flew to Phoenix & brought something back, her Dr said covid I say bs . Just the flu , low fever, headache & sweating all night. But what do I know.

  4. Fuck you. Strong message to follow.

  5. I'm expecting continuing Covid alarms with the avian bird flu ramped up as Fall approaches- maybe multiple pandemics- there have been recent stories dropped on Dengue & TB rise-???

  6. Fuck you is all I got to say to this giant lie

  7. That will be the fucking day…to the mattresses

  8. Well, the whole COVID hysteria is raising its head again in the mainstream media, and not only in the US. No, we start getting those nice, well-meant warnings in Europe as well, which means there are going to be politically relevant events this autumn al over the world which we, the people shouldn't pay attention and concentrate on being concerned with COVID...


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