
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Rules is rules

A Nashville woman is upset over fines from her homeowners association (HOA). 

The problem is a dented garage door the homeowner told FOX 17 News was there when she bought the place. It's a cautionary tale on what every Midstate homeowner needs to know. 


  1. No way, no how would I ever buy into an HOA. When I moved to Fl every time I found a home I'd consider buying it was in a damn HOA. I finally found a way to block all HOA homes in the listings. My brother bought into one years ago and all was good. Then a bunch of old bags got together and got on the HOA panel. Slowly they are really screwing up a nice neighborhood. There is a clubhouse and pool. The latest rule is no one can get in the pool if the water is less the something like 78 degrees. Just stupid shit.

  2. If this lady has been living there a decade without being challenged over the door, the homeowner association cannot enforce this rule due to abandonment and acquiescence. An association must enforce covenants consistently and through time. If they ignore covenants a long period of time they are considered void. Of course one is hung out to defend themselves in court which can be costly. I lived in a community with an association and fought them for years. Thankfully I have a law degree and became quite informed about the subject. Problem is, most times, people who become board members are not informed on law, many become power drunk and can cost residents of these communities hundreds of thousands of dollars through their ignorance.i called the the “Golfcart Gestapo”. I would avoid these communities for a choice of a home.

  3. Money and control, plain and simple. They should be eliminated, plain and simple.

  4. Tim Walz is the HOA president.

    1. Uni,
      That was the last thing I read before hitting the sack for the evening.

  5. I had one encounter with a hoa with my wife’s folks outside of Atlanta and it would have gotten ugly had I been in charge. Parking on your own grass was against their rules and a neighbor called the SO. The nice deputy said there was nothing he could do but please just move the car. She agreed. Not happening in my world. RTR


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