
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"Screw you kids, I'm outta here"

Jennifer Delgado, a 32-year-old Texas woman is facing criminal charges after police say they found a total of five children, including two infants, abandoned in her car that was found in a small ditch after a police chase.


  1. 'Kids found in an abandoned car in a ditch after a police chase". I hope they were all strapped in approved car seats. If they're not that's ticketing offense.

  2. Mclennan County. Waco. Went through there recently and somehow managed to avoid getting in a police chase. I can report that, in the words of Robert Earl Keen's Front Porch Song, - The Brazos stills runs muddy like she's run all along. (I think I went off on a tangent)

    1. I think REK’s “Swervin’ in my Lane” might be more appropriate for the situation.


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