
Monday, August 26, 2024

The Dumb and Dumber of Kamala's 'Greedflation' Narrative

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris' new call to regulate food prices and block mergers has drawn enormous flak from economists, given the poor track record of price controls. Democrats think they can make political headway with a "greedflation" narrative, blaming rising prices on business profit-seeking.


  1. Kuntmala utterances manufactured by her masters may sound dumb and dangerous to us informed folks, but remember most Americans are emotionally reacting, instant gratification sheep motivated by money, material gain and "free stuff". People hear she babe is gonna put a stop to food costs by regulating the prices and bingo their Dopamine levels rise.

  2. This vapid meat puppet is dumber than a day old Biden. This is the doing of the Globalist bankster demons. Fvck'em all with a rusty cactus.

  3. It's just more of the war on the middle class.

  4. So when you understand that no demonkrap, and republican, president or candidate for president since Carter, except Trump, has held down a job that wasn't in some government position or in the case of mrs klinton and odumbass no job at all you'll realize they don't know shit about how anything works in the real world..

    1. Reagan had a successful acting career.

      Rand Paul is a practicing ophthalmologist. He had to do so many surgeries a year in order to maintain his medical license. Also needed the senate majority leader to sign off on non congressional pay. Harry Reid, may he burn in Hell, denied Randy's request. So Rand did the work pro bono.

      Carter was governor and in the navy before running for president.

    2. Carter was a peanut farmer first, I don't consider acting a real job, and you're right about Rand and his father Ron, which is weird because I voted for Ron and support Rand..... Otherwise my post stands

  5. It will work just as well as the last time it was tried here in the US back in 1971: It will fuel double-digit inflation and ultimately, double-digit unemployment. This what happens when people don't study actual history, not the rewritten history that has nothing to do with reality.

    1. that's the plan. burn the country down to rule over the ashes.

      psychopaths thrive on pain and suffering.

  6. The only ones left in the democrat party are communists. So yeah, it’ll get traction with them.

  7. Polls show her ahead or tied to make the CHEAT believable.


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