
Friday, August 23, 2024

The Power of Pictures

The very best historical photographs from our treasured vaults define our idea of the West. 

In honor of our 70th year, the editors of True West have invited our contributors to offer their choices for the most emblematic photographs taken in the West. The portfolio reflects the authors’ interests in Western history and offers a window into their individual perspectives. The photo essay also is an introduction to a year-long commemoration of True West’s 70th anniversary and the very best photography of the West from the 1840s to the 1940s. We look forward to your perspective as we look back together at the images and image makers that spark our imaginations, trigger our emotions, elicit our empathy and drive our desires to learn more about our Western past.


Once again, True West Magazine knocks it out of the park with this collection of photos, many of which I had never seen before.


  1. I've seen a few of these before, including "Cowboy Bath', which is one of my all-time favorites.
    (Tell me again how cowboys are abusive to their animals when, in reality, they loved their cow ponies and took baths with them.)

    I've never seen 'Dangerous Pass' before. It's a fascinating photograph.

  2. We're uglier now than we were then, thought I saw Dale Earnhardt in there a couple of times...

  3. Great collection, well worth your time to check it out.

  4. Great batch of pics of some the famous and infamous characters from the frontier.

    Thanks, Nemo

  5. Wow, that's some awesome pictures of notable characters of the old west days ...... Thanks

  6. My family legend is that one of the women was married to one of the Youngers. There is a family photo oh her giving her name as "Younger."

  7. Great photos and stories....Thanks


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