
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Thumper, The Grenade Launcher That Changed Everything - Garand Thumb

In this video, we dive deep into one of the most iconic grenade launchers of the 20th century: the M79. Known for its distinctive appearance and powerful impact, the M79 has left a lasting mark on military history.

What We'll Cover:

    Historical Overview: Discover the origins and development of the M79, including its role in conflicts like the Vietnam War.
    Design and Features: Get an up-close look at the unique design elements that set the M79 apart from other grenade launchers.
    Operational Use: Learn about the M79's performance in combat, its strengths, and its limitations.
    Legacy and Influence: See how the M79 has influenced modern grenade launchers and its place in military history.

VIDEO HERE  (31:51 minutes)


  1. I've been watching this channel for years and it's really good..... That Thumper is pretty accurate for what it does

  2. I loved my '79. Took it with me everywhere. When they gave me an M16 I couldn't qualify to save my life until they strapped an M203 on for the extra weight.


    A scene what IS a scene.

  4. Replies
    1. We called them "Bloop Tubes."

    2. US Marines in Vietnam called it a "Blooper."

  5. Ironic that before I could watch the video, I had to watch The Cackler ask for $$$ to get her elected President.

  6. Kicked like a 12GA. It was way better than the old XM148.

  7. The inimitable Fat Electrician
    mentions the China Lake grenade launcher at the end.

  8. I look forward to the day when "iconic" is banished to the dustbin of buzzwords. Most especially because 9.9 out of 10 times it is used the person uttering it feels that it means "really really really famous" rather than "a representative symbol". While the Blooper is an iconic weapon of the Vietnam War, it is not an "iconic grenade launcher".

  9. The above said, as a young soldier in the early '80s I was a middling shot with the M16 but hell-and-Jesus with the 203 and especially the Pig.

  10. On our Cobras we called the 40mm 'The Chunker'. Was not accurate in a dive but great to toss rounds at a hover

  11. Col David Hackworth declared that the most effective weapon of the Vietnam war.

  12. Fired over 1,000 rnds. Could hit a 1 gal paint bucket at 75 yds

  13. This was my first issue weapon when I got to permanent party. Got a M-1911 with it to hang on my hip like a gunslinger. Couple months later, it was gone and they issued me a M-203. Didn't care for that one, though I could hit with it. Complained about it, so they replaced it with a '60. Learned after that to keep my mouth shut.

  14. When I was "in" the state of the art was an M31 rifle grenade in conjunction with the M7A3 grenade launcher on the business end of an M1 Garand and launching the missile with an M3 crimped round. An M15 grenade sight was helpful as well.

    1. When I was in the "chair force" we only shot to Qual one time. It was supposed to be annual event, but we were always busy playing pinochle. We never had war screams like the jarheads or soldiers; we just hollered when the batteries in the TV remote were flat. My motto..."Soft hands, paper cuts, and is it time for chow?"

  15. When does a grenade launcher become a mortar?


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