
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Time for NeverTrump Republicans to Put On Their Big Boy Pants

My flak jacket is on as I write this since I am sure to offend or piss off some friends, family, and colleagues who are ostensibly Republicans or conservatives but have a visceral aversion to Donald Trump.

Some tell me they are Republican and miss Ronald Reagan but also admit they “couldn’t” vote for Donald Trump in either 2016 or 2020. Nothing says one is Republican like voting for a liberal Democrat.

This is the NeverTrump wing of the Republican Party, emerging shortly after Trump secured the GOP nomination in 2016. Reasons for NeverTrump-ism are myriad.


  1. Never Trumpers will never change course because they've been programmed to hate him and "hate" is a very valid emotion. Hell, they'd vote for Putin or Chairman Xi if they were on the ballot before voting for Trump. Reality says people are emotionally reacting, easily psychology manipulated, instant gratification motivated Successful TV ads and reality shows prove it.

  2. Most Anti Trump people who are Republican are really RHINO's. Better off without there advice.

  3. How about this. If you can't stand Trump, vote for him so we can get Vance.

  4. How about this. Since the 'principaled' Rs didn't put up a winning candidate, they vote for T so we don't get the communist.

  5. I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2016 because HFRC is 100% pure evil in a can. I learned to love how he gave the Left fits on a daily basis. I voted for him in 2020 and will again in 2024.

    1. Yep. This is pretty much me in 2016.

    2. I voted for Cruz in the 2016 primary. Not that it mattered, because Trump was already the candidate before my state's primary. I voted Trump in November. But I voted for him proudly in 2020. I was impressed by his leadership style. I will vote for him again. But I have two conservative brothers who tell me they won't. Because he is mean. I tell them they are idiots.

  6. The fact that these POS voted for both GW and W Bush, the Stain known as Songbird McCain and Pierre DeLecto tells me all I need to know about their politics.... Fuck Off rinos

  7. The fact that these people exist just justifies my theory that we need an EMP to thin the herd.

  8. NeverTrump "Republicans" are as unlikely to admit to having been wrong as any Democrat. Don't expect much from them. You'll be disappointed.

  9. Trump is awesome I respect a man who gives up his salary, who fights for the true American souls and working class such as myself. He loves our veterans and he loves our country. People need history lessons and to do their homework. I pray for this man's safety. If he wins that would just be a blessing. (I know it's wishful thinking because of the cheating) God bless Trump!

    1. But the mean tweets though....

  10. A never Trump Republican is about as real as a unicorn. They are NOT Republicans; they are Democrats pretending to be Republican, sort of a trans-Republican.

  11. i think a lot of the never trumpers are corporate that world you're a flaming sociopath dem or a quiet republican afraid to stand with trump...aka a pussy

  12. You think I liked voting for McCain or Romney you MF’n never trumpers?

  13. He had the time he came out on stage and hugged the US Flag. I have stuck with him ever since.

  14. Never Trumpers don't own any big boy pants.


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