
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"Times are tough, judge"

A homeless man who asked for an immediate jail term due to a lack of available housing in Western Australia reoffended hours after he was released into the community.


  1. As A retired Corrections Officer I could tell you of countless similar stories.
    In one case in early November I was checking in a new inmate who was homeless told me he throw a brick into a department store window and waited for the cops to arrest him.
    when he pleaded guilty the next day at his arraignment the judge gave him 10 days, he asked the judge for 90 days, When the judge said no the inmate raised his middle finger and told the judge to go F himself, judge gave him 120 days.

  2. Sounds like an O. Henry short story that I can't recall the name of.
    Seems the miscreant had been released and vowed to go straight, only to get pinched for real at the very end of the story.

  3. Forgot the name of the story, but yes. It wasn't The Ransom of Red Chief, but that is the only title I remember. :-(
    John in Indy

  4. Met a guy in San Diego years ago who got free room and board by punching the release officer on the way out. He said it was safer inside.


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