
Friday, August 09, 2024

Will Tim Walz Make It To Convention As ‘Stolen Valor’ Scandal Grows?

Tim Walz ‘Stolen Valor’ problem is growing by the hour. More is coming out. More people are coming forward.

It’s being revealed that people have been complaining about it and this has been a known problem that he has managed to evade for at least several years prior to being selected by Kamala Harris to be the Democrat Party Vice President nominee. They can’t say it was just made up because he’s the likely VP nominee.


  1. Of course he will, he's a Dem. JD, on the other hand is now being accused of "embellishing" his Military resume.

  2. They know they have the election rigged and the media on their side. What he does is not important.

  3. I was right behind DJT when he said TY after this guy was picked. It's the gift that'll keep on giving.

  4. My girlfriend has been fretting about the Harris ads inundating TV during the Olympics. She asked me when Trump was going to get going?
    What I think and what I told her is why should Trump spend a lot of money in August when until the Democrats convention is over we can't say for sure who is going to be on the Democrats ticket Why waste money on ads targeting Walz if he might not be on the ballot in November?

    1. Also, it is likely Trump is waiting for the honeymoon to wind down and yes, wait for the Democrat convention because Kameltow is going to have to make some kind of speech. If she goes off teleprompter it will be a train wreck with 97.6% certainty. I like how elements of the lame stream media are not 100% on board with Timmy Tampon.

    2. Recently, every time I click on a YouTube video, I first get a Kamala ad asking me for money. It's annoying.

    3. I turn the volume down until I'm able to skip the commercial.

    4. Ken, use uBlock Origin. I haven't had to watch an ad on Youtube since I installed it over two years ago.

  5. Well, they can't pull Shapiro in as a replacement, because he wears a tiny hat. There was a story I saw that said 12 other "possibles" declined the opportunity, saying it would be a career-killer. Who does that leave? They would need a milq-toast nobody with a blank social media history, a record of never committing to ANYTHING one way or another, preferably of indeterminate gender. Rue Paul comes to mind. Governor Hair Gel is still waiting in the wings. any other thoughts? Chime in with a reply. . . . .

    1. Hair Gel is bidding his time. He saw this election season as a loser situation.

  6. Kamel Toe & Tampon Tim ain’t breaking a sweat because they have the mighty MSM shilling for them by fabricating and embellishing their images while going all out to destroy Trump. In addition, 48% of the population could care less if Tim Was Benedict Arnold and long as:
    #1: He's a Democrat & #2: He hates Trump.

  7. Socialist Tampon Timmy Walz has no problem elevating himself using Stolen Valor, by stating he served in war when clearly he left his Unit and Army when they were ready to deploy. Rather than complete his enlistment and be deployed, He Quit the Army. Confirming he is a gutless opportunist. His actions are not indicative of the 10s of thousands who serve as a member of the National Guard or Reserves.

    The closest Tampon Tim ever came to hostilities was when he mandated Tampons to be placed in Every male restroom in Minnesota's Public Schools and his hiding during and allowing the riots by BLM and Antifa that burned, destroyed businesses and large swaths of Minneapolis–Saint Paul.

  8. If Minnesota had any integrity, he wouldn't even be allowed to remain as governor. If the Democrats had any integrity, he would be Thomas Eagleton'd tonight.

  9. It's Obamamerica - where stealing isn't stealing and valor isn't valuable. Senator Dick Blumenthal, Uberbastard John Kerry, Draft-Dodging Bill Clinton, consequence-free all around.


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