
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

Boris Twillman of Florida has been charged with attempted murder after police say he tailgated a woman in a fit of road rage, hit her rear bumper, and then — when she pulled over on the side of the road and got out of her car to assess the damage — proceeded to run her down with his Jeep, allegedly smiling maniacally at her as he hit the gas.


  1. Given his priors, no surprise he has a taste for this sort of thing.

  2. "Given his priors..." Shoot, so incarceration "rehabilitated" him....Yeah, no. Some of those folks need to be held in a psych ward until they have an epiphany. Can thank the democrats way back in the 80's for emptying out the mental hospitals and making it harder to hold weirdos.

  3. At least they didn't claim this is a racist attack. The guy obviously hates everybody.

  4. This is becoming more and more common. It's not just road rage. I've heard of numerous events of teachers have the shit beat out of them when trying to stop kids from using cellphones in class. Maybe "anger management" classes will be mandatory in Elementary & High Schools soon.


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