
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Blast from the Past: Kamala Harris Threatened Searches of Gun Owners’ Homes

A stunning video from 2007 featuring then San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris threatening to enter the locked homes of gun owners to determine whether their firearms were “safely” stored is facing heavy criticism from gun rights advocates.

Harris, flanked by then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, told reporters during a press conference about gun control, “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”


  1. I loved the way Montel's side slut slipped the "sancity of your own home" in there. Just to remind us what she thinks about us plebs and our divine 4th amendment right. How did this worthless whore ever get into politics to begin with? Maybe age-related sag reduced her vacuum ability? Well, I guess I don't want to know.
    -Just a chemist

    1. The question is how did one go from city to state to Congress to the White House in a few shorts years; a pace that has to be a new world record advancement, all the while being the most argumentative, intensely disliked, amoral, unethical, dishonest and dishonorable person with the lowest IQ?

      The answer seems obvious, don't it?

    2. She suck-started her political career using semen, not naval personnel but the other kind.

    3. Rick, Comma-La's rise makes me wonder how Obama moved from "Community Organizer (agitator/shit-disturber) " to State Senator to US Senator to President in such a short space of time.

    4. rick, both Oblojob and Kumswalla's "meteoric rise" from being a "nobody" to the world's stage; were from the same thing - their oral skills. And I am not referring to the ability to be a great orator...

  2. Knobjockey H wouldn't be doing that itsownself...but there are always those that will obey orders. Aim small, and don't give up your weapons! Better to die free in battle than starved in a dungeon with dung and poison and the beasts ofthe earth.

    1. Aim right and you'll end up with more weapons...

  3. God, I truly wish they would try. Maybe that would be enough to make people says thats it.

  4. Liberals should be absolutely thrilled and happy to know that my guns are liberals too! They too sit around all day in their safe space doing absolutely nothing!

    They too refuse to work unless somebody else feeds them. Yes, like liberals, they too can be triggered to attack anyone on their wrong side.

  5. Come on down to my neighborhood and try that shit cunt and see how it goes.
    Fuck off cocksucker

  6. My front door ain't cover.... Hell, considering the cameras, it ain't even concealment. Stack up, faggots...

  7. She must be one hell of a good suck. Takes skill to present oneself as scummier than H.

  8. The welcome mat is always out.

  9. "check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”

    People are glossing over that part or even leaving it out but I think it's important. She's not just talking about gun storage.


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