
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Coming Strangulation of Free Speech

It’s the First Amendment for a reason: free speech is a fundamental prerequisite for liberal democracy. But The Guardian, with logic that Stalin would have appreciated, insists the concern over free speech has been “concocted” by the Right. This is one example of many that shows the assault on free speech today primarily comes from the very people—the legacy media, academia, and progressives—who once championed unencumbered dialogue.

Given the increasing likelihood of a Kamala Harris presidency, the outlook for free speech could turn even more dismal. As California’s attorney general, when it came to privacy legislation, she supported policies favored by her tech backers, and also evidenced little interest in protecting pivotal rights of free societies such as due process.


  1. "increasing likelihood"... what a joke! Fat chance and No chance (unless they're referring to the short time remaining before the election).

  2. I mostly agree, but the First Amendment's placement has nothing to do with importance. When the first Amendments were written, the 27th Amendment was actually the 2nd in the list of 12. The current First Amendment was 3rd on the list. As originally planned, the Amendments would have been inserted into the actual text of the Constitution and Madison listed them in that order. All of the first 10 Amendments are equally important as brakes upon the Federal Government.

  3. Don't even look at Trudeau's Canada. The laws are coming into place for thought crimes and comments on social media.


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