
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Commentary: An Economy That Serves Nobody Except Those in Charge

As we outlined in Part One, here in California, we have an economy that would be the fifth largest in the world if it were to be separated as a standing nation. Home to Silicon Valley, Hollywood, world-class agriculture, and medical schools, California is an economic powerhouse.

Yet we, in California, have the highest poverty rate in the nation. We have a majority of the nation’s homeless people. We have the highest overall tax rates in the nation. Our energy costs are double that of the national average. Our per-student spending in schools is well above the national average, yet our students consistently have below-average grade-level test scores. Our major cities are crime-ridden, our power grid is woefully vulnerable, and our beaches are regularly closed due to raw sewage contamination.


  1. The "elites" know very well as long as the peons have access to their bread & circuses they don't care.

  2. Kommiefornia is the best example of what Socialist and Communist policies do: only the upper 1%see any benefit, while everyone else suffers in absolute squalor.
    Despite every other example of Socialism and Communism being absolute failures, they still voted in their own problem. The people of California should be forever prohibited from ever leaving the shithole they created, and either fix it themselves or die a slow painful death they inflicted upon themselves and their children.

  3. Every month in Commiepornia it's a higher PGE bill, property taxes, income taxes, drivers license fee, higher gas tax.... Elect kakula and get the same everywhere.

  4. California was once the American dream but leftist, liberal politics has destroyed that dream and replaced it with a nightmare.

  5. They are absolutely the poster child of the left's rallying cry: "Build Back Badder".

  6. Since CA imports most of their power, I doubt it would exist long as an independent nation, certainly not as the world's 5th largest economy. But hey, let's give it a try and see what happens. They've already put up border-control stations (except on their southern border).


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