
Friday, September 06, 2024

Commentary: The Fading of Freedom in the Western World

The recent arrest of Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, has been in the news. Anti-Russian westerners cheered these events on, even though Durov had fled Russia years ago in order to pursue his techno-libertarian dreams in peace. Adding to the intrigue, the arrest may have included an element of treachery, as some reports say he was invited to visit France by French President Emmanuel Macron, only to be arrested on the tarmac. Mon Dieu!

The ostensible basis for Durov’s arrest is criminal responsibility for various unsavory things that have happened on his Telegram platform. This kind of vicarious liability for hosting websites, particularly those involving user communications and forums, is not entirely new, but it is controversial and always applied very selectively.


  1. Or you could look at the massive israeli data leaked on his platform three weeks prior, and wonder if this is the result of pressure from pro-Israel factions.

    I.E. It's not AT ALL about criminal activity. It's about lack of censorship of non-approved news and views.

    John G.

  2. It's another example of where the bread & circuses addicted folks don't give a shit unless it directly affects them.

  3. He also refused the EU demand to censor people sharing 'fake news' on his service


  4. Freedom is never been given, if you want it you have to be willing to die for it...
    Most people today will not give up their comfortable lives so.

  5. “The ostensible basis for Durov’s arrest is criminal responsibility for various unsavory things that have happened on his Telegram platform”

    If that was believable, Zuckerberg would be booking a flight from Musk to Mars.
    Not floating around on his new mega-yacht.

  6. In the wake of Durov's arrest, Telegram has made some changes:

    Going further back, Telegram seemed to have come to some accommodation with Russia, in 2020. Reporting on this is vague.

    If I were a dissident, I'd be wary of using Telegram.
    - Mr. Mayo

  7. Nothing to see here....they did the same to Ferdinand Porsche and son ,Ferry,in late 40's.!!


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