
Monday, September 30, 2024

Commentary: October September Surprises

An October surprise is usually defined as the well-known (and more often left-wing) tactic of manufacturing or unloading a news story right before voting to surprise a rival without allowing them time sufficiently to respond or recover.

Think of the last-minute bombshell disclosure, five days before the 2000 election, that candidate George W. Bush had been cited for drunk driving over a quarter-century earlier. That surprise may have cost Bush the popular vote that year.


  1. Liberals = fake, gay, and retarded.

  2. Bush is just as corrupt as they come. It's all a charade. Trump is the only one who said what he was going to do and did it. With the exception of those corrupt that had the power to incorrectly influence him.

    I do have a problem with Trump and the vaccines however. And he did sign the CARES Act which has contributed to hospitals recieving corrupt funds and countless deaths due to mistreatment.


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