
Friday, September 27, 2024

"Don't worry, I'm from the government"

A longtime CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted more than two dozen women in postings around the world was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison Wednesday after an emotional hearing in which victims described being deceived by a man who appeared kind, educated and part of an agency “that is supposed to protect the world from evil.”


  1. Sounds like a resume of someone running for federal office or a PuffDaddy groupie.


  2. That’s not who I am and yet it’s who I became.. Really? Then tell us: how did you become that?

    1. “He was an invaluable government worker, but it took its toll on him and sent him down a dark path”, says his defense attorney.

      Oh, I see. It's all the CIA's fault.
      Yeah, right. Whatever you say, counselor.

  3. When did CIA mission change to protect the world from evil?


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