
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.....

Republicans are outraged at the Biden-Harris administration for ignoring an escalating security crisis at the southern border after rocket-propelled grenades and explosives were found near Arizona. 

A bombshell report indicated that at least 4 rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and 8 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were discovered in Mexico close to the U.S.-Mexico border. 

Huge amounts of ammunition were also found in the 'scout site' that was around 700 feet from the border wall in Border Patrol's Tucson Sector, according to an internal memo first reported by NewsNation.  


  1. "rocket-propelled grenades"???

    Those are for the "We support Lalala" team, hoping to take out Orange Man Bad.

  2. Give me your lazy, your criminal element, your huddled masses seething with VD.

  3. We are already at war inside our own country. No one wants to acknowledge it - it goes against The Narrative. Don't forget the Feds are not on the side of American citizens.

  4. Republicans might say they are "outraged" but they'll go ahead and vote Aye on a continuing resolution and continues to fund the government that outrages them - at record deficit levels. Then they adjourn to go home and campaign a bunch of dummies will vote for their RINO reps because they're the lesser of two evils. Not me. I don't care if they're running against a Kamala clone. No more second, third, fourth chances. Stop spending money we don't have. The current Republican Party is a failure. It needs to be tossed out and dismantled. #BlankTheDownBallot2024

    1. Recently, Thomas Massie gave Congress a real beat down about CRs and Omnibus bills. I'll be watching to see if it changes anything.

  5. Republicans are just as complicit as the Democrats in our open border nightmare - FUCK them.

    1. ^^ What he said.
      Bastards are just as mych responsible.


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