
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hillary Clinton takes stock of life's wins and losses in a memoir inspired by a Joni Mitchell lyric

At the end of her new memoir, Hillary Clinton offers up what sounds like a far-off wish: “I hope I’m alive to see the United States elect a female president.”

Turns out her book went to the printers a tad too soon. Clinton wrote that sentence before Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee, suddenly making that wish feel a whole lot more immediate. It was too late to update the print version of “Something Lost, Something Gained,” which comes out this week, though the audiobook now has an epilogue.


  1. I've read some puff pieces before, but this one takes the banana upside down cake.

  2. “I hope I’m alive to see the United States elect a qualified president.”

  3. I'll double the CUNT!

  4. Sorry Hillary, but I doubt Dylan Muvaney is up to running.

  5. Nothing that pus-infected piece of blubber says is worth the time to listen. That bitch is near the top of the list.

  6. I already read her memoir back in 2017. It then was called "The Steele Report".
    She should be in prison.


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