
Thursday, September 26, 2024

"I don't know, I just felt a bump"



  1. So, I turned up the radio...

  2. Hrm--wonder what the hell he dragged that trailer over. Like, a car? A building? The Incredible Hulk?

  3. I'd say he went over a concrete highway divider or one heck of a boulder. How he did it without damaging the tractor is the question.

    Maybe took a curve too fast, unloaded trailer broke free, swung to left and hit the barrier?

    1. In a strong cross-wind the back wheels of a 53' trailer won't be in line with the wheels of the tractor, they can be pushed a foot or more to the side. I saw this on my RV trip across the prairies this summer when the wind was strong enough that I had the steering wheel turned 60-90 degrees just to hold my lane.

    2. He was making a right turn.
      He might have swung wide enough but not long enough to make the turn.

      Truck missed, trailer rear hit.

      A buddy was a big rig driving instructor. After a couple of years of that he'd seen so many screw ups by his new drivers that the company made him an accident investigator.

  4. Saw a guy do that one night in Pittsburgh, Pa turning onto the 28th st bridge except he blew all four tires dragging the tandems over the end of the abutment and he just going with sparks everywhere.

  5. Hammer them out, couple of tubes and you're good to to go.

  6. Well that's not good 😊


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