
Friday, September 13, 2024

‘I want you to kiss it’: Gary Condit’s son claims state senator made him ‘pleasure’ her in car, hurting his back in ‘confined space’

Nearly one month after a California state senator switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, her former campaign manager and chief of staff, who happens to be the son of Gary Condit, has filed a sexual harassment, discrimination, and unlawful retaliation lawsuit claiming that his back was injured while twisting and contorting in the “confined space” of a car after Marie Alvarado-Gil demanded oral sex during work-related travel together.


Gary Condit was a Blue Dog Democrat Congressman who ran for political office as a Democrat but voted as a Conservative, and was the only fucking Democrat I've ever voted for.
My maternal grandparents were friends with his parents - matter of fact, Gary's daddy Adrian preached both of my grandparent's funerals.
Now Gary's kids have gotten their feet wet in politics with Ceres city council positions and from what I've read, both of them have a looooong way to go before you can even begin to compare them to their father.


  1. I could think of worse ways to hurt my back

  2. So the staffer was gonna do it (do we know if he hadn't already?) but now cries foul?

  3. I barely believe anything I read anymore.

  4. So his problem began after she became a republican.... It was all good when she was a demokrap..... What a load of crap

  5. She switched from Democrat to Republican. How could those unusual “female the predator and male the victim” sexual accusations suddenly appear? The obsessed Democrats are forever on the offense that's how. They take the destroy the enemy game very seriously.

  6. Looked up her and she's not overly hard on the eyes. She does look solid and low-center-of-gravity enough that a soi-boi might get hurt during an active encounter.

  7. Maybe she needed some lume. I'm not real interested in licking a stinky fuck hole
    Backwoods Okie

  8. I still believe he killed Chandra Levy.
    And now his 'darling' boy is cooking up another sex scandal.
    Like father, like son. They're both a couple of perverts that need to be dropped in the middle of the ocean.

    1. He didn't kill Chandra Levy, plain and simple. The worst part of the whole deal for him was that it exposed an affair that he was having with Levy. Is that the perversion you're referring to? That's something that's between him and his wife, and she must've forgiven him because they're still together.

    2. Thanks, Kenny. Gary sure got run through the wringer over this case, as did Chandra's parents. I can't imagine a worse experience than what they went through. All because of a crimmigrant from El Salvador that shouldn't even have been here.

      More of this kind of thing to come, thanks to the party of chaos.

    3. “ That's something that's between him and his wife, ”
      Yes, and no. If a man can’t be trusted to keep the faith with his own wife, would we expect him to keep promises to a bunch of strangers?

    4. I've made that same statement myself but as one of his constituents, I can assure you he kept his promises 'to a bunch of strangers'.

  9. It’s hard to imagine that a son of Gary Condit would be such a wimp and submit to such demands.

  10. Gary Condit, Chandra Levy and an illegal from El Salvado whose legal case was botched eight ways from Sunday. What a sad story that was.

    1. Botched the same way Kate Steinle's was? And for the same reason?

    2. Everybody screwed up in the case, including the D.C Cops.
      Her killer was eventually deported, so guess where he probably is today.

  11. This is such horse shit. You can't rape the willing. What guy ever refused sex? He's merely conducting personal/political sabotage and nothing else. What a steaming pile of shit punk.

    1. I've refused sex with women who I knew were going to be nothing but trouble. Yeah, I value my life, freedom and money (as well as the tires and the paint job on my car) over getting my dick wet with some cluster B head case. I don't have any pet rabbits, but still...I guess I'm the only man alive to have the self control, and the ability to anticipate cause and effect in advance, before dipping my wick in some crazy slag. Has saved me many troublesome, costly and embarrassing moments in life, I'm sure.

      But yeah, I question this guy's motives for speaking up now post-party change.

    2. Nope, you're not the only one. I've turned down women for the same reason and I've always refused to date or sleep with women I worked with. Some things just ain't worth the trouble that'll happen down the road.

  12. His father is a MURDERER. Nuff said.

    1. Show your work or quit talking out of your ass.

    2. Despite what happened in the court of public opinion, Gary did not murder the Levy girl.
      It was some brown guy that did it. The media never apologized for the accusations, if I recall correctly.

  13. Democrats is all that needs to be said here. Rather disgusting bunch when they hang their dirty laundry out in public. Cannot think of one good reason why anyone would give any one of them a vote.

  14. I had never heard of Gary Condit or anything to do with him so after a quick look around he seemed to be a guy with big political ambitions. Lots of stuff happening around him.
    Also unfortunately another young intern murdered in DC with no reason

    1. He was a good guy. His main focus wasn't California, it was the Central Valley and especially jobs. He took good care of his constituents.

    2. I saw that in some of the information I read. Looks like he had a good grasp on the real world and not just the political aspects of it..
      Shame about that girl to, DC is a dangerous place for young people
      Hopefully you're getting to enjoy some of your weekend.

  15. Hey, lot of broads have tried it & got a big payoff, so time to pull the old switcheroo...

  16. I did not look this up but wasn't this the politician whose son was in MMA 15 to 20 years ago? Or a different Condit?

  17. I’m a big kiss it kinda guy. Or was back in the day, when I was bringing it.


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