
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

In hindsight, that probably wasn't real smart

The sheriff’s office said they arrested a Louisiana teacher accused of threatening to shoot third-grade students.

The Union Parish Sheriff’s Office said a parent contacted them on Tuesday and claimed Robert Mitcham, 70, a teacher at Downsville Community Charter School, threatened students after becoming angry.


  1. Likely the first time he got their full attention. 70? After 60 I started losing patience with stupid and a lot of years later my patience has eroded completely. Why is a 70 y/o still teaching?

  2. Geez, ya can't even express your inner feelings any more without someone getting triggered.

  3. I don't know what the hell is going on lately, several schools here have gotten calls threatening to bomb or shoot up the schools... Last week the high school where my grandson attends was evacuated for a few hours while the school was checked for threats...
    The local sheriffs and the La State Police are taking them very seriously..

  4. I'm having flashbacks of some of the ominous and threatening things we were told by teachers when I was in elementary school. This was in the early 80s. I also recall my parents laughing most of it off, although my dad did once threaten to kill the principal when he wanted to administer corporal punishment on me, and my mom did go to the school to ream out my brother's 5th grade teacher for something.

    On the bright side, I know how to read and write, and I have critical thinking skills (although that mainly came from one specific off the books type teacher) and no tranny freakshows were ever allowed on school grounds, so things really were better back then.


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