
Monday, September 30, 2024

It’s Not Just Springfield, Haitians Being Flown to Small Towns Nationwide

Haitians are not just arriving in Springfield, Ohio, but also in small rural towns nationwide as a result of several Biden-Harris administration policies.

Since fiscal 2021, more than 485,000 Haitian illegal border crossers, a record, have been reported by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The overwhelming majority were reported this fiscal year, nearly 216,000, compared to 48,727 in fiscal 2021.


  1. Trust me - those fuckers do NOT want to be dropped off in rural Texas.

  2. The local Mickie Ds is now staffed by blaques speaking creole french. Boca Raton. F$ck me!

  3. Starker here,
    The story is 3 paragraphs long and repeats 4 times. To fill the page?
    Where are they sending them? Shouldn't that be part of the story?


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