
Monday, September 16, 2024

Kathy Hochul furious over 'bigoted attacks' on Haitian migrants: 'Always stand with them'

ALBANY, N.Y. (TND) — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday expressed frustration with ongoing concerns over an influx of Haitian migrants arriving in the U.S. 

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, on Tuesday shared his office had received reports that household pets in Springfield, Ohio “were abducted by Haitian migrants.” He noted he could not verify these claims, but attributed several tragedies to the arrival of such individuals.


Looks like it's time for Ohio to start shipping Haitians to New York if she's so outraged about their treatment..


  1. To her house and around her pets and see how feels in a week about new neighbors

    1. I'm sure she has room for 20 or 50 in her palace (place).

  2. Haitians, Mexicans, Hondurans, El Salvadorans, Panamanians, Venezuelans and whatever else that slo joe and Kamel Toe has allowed into the country

  3. It's Springfield Ohio Kenny, which I never knew was a mecca for Haitian refugees

    1. My bad, I don't know where my mind was at.
      Thanks for pointing that out to me so I could correct it.

    2. Missouri, Ohio, same same. They are sending the illegals everywhere people vote republican

  4. When he says he received reports he's referring to actual police reports that are being filed.

    I love the video of that black dude talking to the city council or whoever, basically saying "There's no way this happens without you allowing it, so how much are you getting paid to look the other way?"

  5. So it's bigoted to not want these haitian arrivals, kathy?
    Even when they put a massive burden on schools, housing, etc, or their massive contribution to crime from misdemeanors to felonies?
    When their neighbors in the Dominican Republic are so against letting Haitians into their country that you can see the border from space, then it's not bigotry to want them gone.
    It's common sense.

    1. Funny how no one brings up the fact that Haiti was cursed by French Catholics when they were run out after the slave rebellion. It's been a shithole ever since despite Hillery's brother stealing any gold they had left.

  6. Regarding residents' claims of family pets being caught, killed, and eaten by Haitian (what, arrivals? refugees? illegal immigrants?) Springfield Ohio police declare that there are no credible reports of those claims.

    Emphasis on credible. What's credible to someone whose dog has mysteriously vanished with the collar left behind, and credible to the local police, none of whom really want to get involved, are two radically different things.

    Yes, I think the Haitians are catching, killing, dressing out and eating anything and everything that they can get away with. In most ponds and golf courses you can hunt Canadian honkers with a tennis racquet. I've refrained mainly because the honker is one critter I could easily catch and take from field to table, and if you have a smoker that smoked honker is some seriously good eating.

    For those people who live in Springfield, I suggest you put up a yard sign: Tonton-Makout

    1. CBS News has published a response to the “Cat Eaters of Ohio” story. It’s a supremely dishonest and completely partisan report, but let’s break it down, to show exactly how the establishment media maintains its lines of propaganda.

      The CBS report hinges on two arguments. First, CBS writes: “The video shows what appears to be animal carcasses on a grill. The man filming the footage alleges, without evidence, that they are cats.” Without evidence? The eyewitness directly observed the incident and took a video recording of it—both of which are firsthand evidence. But CBS’s apparent standard, when such evidence violates the establishment narrative, is: Don’t believe your lying eyes.

      The report also quotes Dayton’s Democratic mayor, who says there have been “absolutely zero reports of this type of activity.” Which is true, but does not contradict the evidence at all. Nobody filed a police report, so there would be no police report—and the absence of a police report does not mean that something did not happen. This is a convenient way of ignoring the evidence, and laundering lies through friendly media apparatus.


    2. Deployed to Port-au-prince in '95.

      Saw scores of people at the landfill picking stuff up ta eat.

      Is it a stretch ta think folks living like that ...wouldn't want 'fresh meat'?

    3. B/2-327 Infantry deployed to Haiti in ‘96. I was in C Co, but a couple of guys in my platoon were attached to Bravo to plus up their numbers. One of the guys grew up in the projects in Memphis. After 6 months in Haiti, he was thanking God he grew up where he did.

  7. I would like to know why any American citizen would give a shit about some low IQ third world savage when we have plenty of our own problems. Ask anyone in their 40’s or younger if they think they’ll get Social Security or Medicare. There’s 8 billion people on this planet, most of whom are worse off than we are. We can’t even save ourselves, let alone the rest of the world. The best thing we could do is to mind our own business, to include quit sanctioning or overthrowing everyone who wants nothing to do with the IMF and World Bank. Eod1sg Ret

    1. We only care because the DNC types are bringing in THOUSANDS of them and settling them in colonies in our heartland.

    2. @ B
      x2 Not only in the heartland, but all over our country; people who have no love of our republic, but wish to force their culture and customs on us as "normal".
      This appears to be the mission of the Socialist-Progressives who call themselves Democrats today.


  9. When the mayor, town council, and law enforcement's kids turn up missing and/or their remains are identified with scorch marks and knife wounds, THEN it will be CREDIBLE.

  10. The Haitians don't just eat the animals but according to one pastor that has previous missionary experience in Haiti and other recent contacts there, witchcraft/ voodoo is a big thing there - they eat the animals as part of animal sacrifices believing it gives them power.

    As Andrew Wilkow (SiriusXM) says, "You can't bring there here without here becoming there." We are in for a huge culture clash with a lot of different cultures!

  11. An A10 could solves the issue in one pass

  12. Standing with them is way different than living with them. I bet that ugly unelected asshole doesn't get within 50 miles of them.

  13. Just make sure to send them to NYFC, where she spends most of her time. Don’t need them here in Mordor On The Hudson (aka SmAlbany)

  14. The entire story serves as an example of how the GOP is mostly a pretend opposition party. Because if they were really against this there'd be a large and coordinated effort across all the red states to ship the crimmigrants to the sanctuary cities. But all we get is DeSantis and Abbott with a small effort.

    1. Amen brother.

      If'n county commissionsers and mayor had common sense...

      ...they'd realize it'd be cheaper to contract buses on a one-way trip to Martha's Vineyard than to find housing, food etc. for 'em.

    2. But they don't get a cut of the bus fare.

  15. I’ve been a dozen times to Haiti for outreach! I can assure you they are doing voodoo sacrifices! One time they camped outside the walled compound we stayed in at night and did their chanting and sacrifices to scare/curse us! This is dire and they need to go! Not all are bad but the ones sacrificing animals belong to the devil!

  16. Yep. Ship them to New York by bus in the middle of the night.

  17. They are being flown in by US Mil or their contract aircraft....That's the US . gov!

    Chutes Magoo

  18. I hope Hochul, or some close relative of hers, gets to experience Haitian nurses' aides at some point in her wretched life. Those devils are rife in the nursing homes in New York and they are some of the worst, most dispassionate, dishonest, cruel creatures ever to wear scrubs. Beloved wife was director of nursing at a couple of medical facilities through her long career, and she spits every time the word 'Haitian' is uttered.

  19. Hochul....that commie cunt. Why don't we just airdrop her naked ass into Port au Prince and let her "stand with the Haitian's" there.

  20. So, is cat good with "Sweet Baby Rays" sauce ?

    1. Most everything is good with Sweet Baby Rays'

  21. That vile cunt can suck a salted peanut out of an elephants asshole for allI care about her opinions.

  22. American politicians should be AMERICA FIRST, not Illegal first. if they are, they should get the rope.


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