
Monday, September 23, 2024

Majority of Voters Support Mass Deportations, New Poll Reveals

The majority of voters support mass deportations of illegal immigrants, a policy former President Donald Trump has vowed to implement, according to a Scripps News/Ipsos poll released Wednesday.

A policy of mass deportations, which has been championed by Trump in his campaign for the presidency, got 54% of support among voters, including 86% of Republicans, 58% of independents and 25% of Democrats, according to the poll. Immigration remains a priority for 39% of voters, second only to inflation, which 57% of voters say is their top issue going into November.


  1. Only 25% of Democrats favor deportation. Go figure, they're registering them to vote.

  2. Also need to deport all those opposed to deporting.

  3. Deporting them is a waste of time, they crawl right back and often don't miss a days work. Instead we should strongly encourage them to self deport this is easily accomplished utilizing the same strategy recommended for making child molesters safe.


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