
Friday, September 20, 2024

Nice guys finish last

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - A Valley Station homeowner let some guests stay in his garage while they fixed their car.

They ended up staying three months, and a court order forced the homeowner out of his house last week.

“I just want this nightmare to end. I’ve been homeless the last few days,” said Daniel Toma.

He wishes he never invited his friend Amy Davis and her boyfriend Tyler Sencuk to his house this summer.


  1. Jesus H!. Pop a cap in them, wrap 'em in a woal blanket, light em up and let them wick for hours. You can have all their bullshit cleaned out long before then.

  2. Sounds like there's a judge there in need of some tar and feathers....

  3. Just shows how evil government really is and why it should be as limited as possible. The fact that a trespasser has more rights to a home owner's home than the owner shows how mentally ill lawmakers really are.

    I thought Kentucky was a red state - why don't Republicans get off their lazy fucking asses and actually do something that matters. Like getting rid of these unconstitutional laws??

    Stupid Fucks!

  4. Put a bullet in their heads. You help someone out and the fuck you, fuck them harder.

  5. He should have cancelled his insurance, then burned the house down.

  6. Well I tried to m post an appropriate comment and it's banned.


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