
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules mail ballots with incorrect dates won't be counted

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled Friday that mail ballots that are improperly dated won't be counted in November, a move that could have major implications in the closely divided battleground state.

The decision reverses a lower court ruling from last month that found it was unconstitutional to reject mail ballots that had a missing or incorrect date.


  1. And in TX, a judge ruled that mailing ballots to unregistered voters is permissable.

  2. I guess the Democrats are just going to have to cheat harder.

  3. Wait for it. A federal judge in Hawaii will over rule the PA supreme court decision. That dweeb sticks his nose in every state decision that doesn't align with his Marxist ideology.

  4. No vote counting….
    until the voting polls are closed….
    and the “mail in” ballots are closed….
    Why give the cheaters a number to beat….????

  5. Off topic. Remember the end of the movie "Caddy Shack" when Carl Spackler had the entire golf course wired to get the gopher?

    1. I don't think articles about hezbo pagers exploding across the world could ever be off topic.

  6. If you have to jump through this many hoops to have a “fair” election then you’ve already lost the country.

    Separation is the only way forward.

  7. So what? They'll be counting every ballot they get and then some in Scranton, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, etc., undated, misdated, mismatched signature, whatever... and they'll be counting for one, two, three weeks after the election, however long it takes for the post office to discover enough "new!" ballots, whatever it takes to nudge that blue line past the red line. They'll be lauded in the press for their long hours and dedication to making sure that every vote counts. Republicans will file lawsuits which will languish until after Congress gavels through the stolen result. Then the judges will say "oh, sorry, you don't have standing" or at most a couple months in jail for some isolated corrupt election worker, and the damage will have been done, President Harris until January 2029 or maybe January 2033.

    1. 100% agree. How many divisions does the PA Supreme Court have to enforce their rules?
      Stalinist USSA awaits us all.


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