
Friday, September 27, 2024

So I'm guessing the pressure test failed?

It’s a literal s–t storm.

Stomach-churning video shows the moment human sewage erupted on a busy Chinese motorway, drenching cars, pedestrians, and bikers in what has been dubbed a “poo-cano.”

The explosion of waste came around 11 a.m. Wednesday as newly installed sewage pipes in Nanning, in the southern Guangxi region of China, suddenly ruptured, according to the Sun.


  1. Sewage pipes made out of Chinesium.
    No surprise here.

  2. You would think that they would have pressure-tested the line BEFORE putting it into use. As usual though, everyone caught shit for the failure EXCEPT the ones deserving of it!

    1. Oh, I think everyone involved in the design and construction of this project will receive "counseling".
      Just like that Chinese sub that sank recently while still tied up to the pier.

  3. Umm… their poo is yellow too…

  4. Test? What test, this is China.

  5. Now that's a shitty Monday.

  6. In America (at least for now) we have properly engineered sanitary sewers, where depending on size and expected operating pressure, piping can be schedule 35, 40 or 80 (the latter being for high pressure).

    Apparently in China, the wall thickness of their sewer pipe is what I like to call "schedule two pubes". Dumbshits.


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